About CED

Looking ahead to the future of the 21st century, globalisation and deglobalisation will continue in parallel, and financial crises, regional conflicts and ecological situation will worsen. China, as a centre of contemporary global development, strives to make progress, not only governing the country well, but also raising ideas of global governance like “One Belt, One Road” initiative to create a community of common destiny of mankind.
Registered in Hong Kong, China Education Development (Investment & Management) Co. Limited (CED) is an education management and development institution with a vision. It was founded in 2010 by Professor Paul Yip Kwok-wah, a prominent figure in Hong Kong, and renowned educator Dr Betty Chan Po-king.
With its home in China, CED orientates itself towards the world with a global concern. In the face of the challenges of education and life in the 21st century, CED is committed to developing China, performing the country’s global duties, nurturing global citizens who place importance on global governance, world peace and progress of civilisation.